Thursday, June 28, 2007

iPhone campout guides on GridSkipper

On your way to REI to pick up a camping equipment and provisions for your long wait in the iPhone line on June 29? Also check out travel community GridSkipper, which has city-specific campout guides for your expedition.

The guides include all-important food and restroom locations near the stores, plus recommended nearby hotels, and locations of nearest free Wi-Fi hubs.

I imagine it won't be long before store-specific Jaiku groups will form up, too, so people waiting in lines can talk among themselves. And organize revolts when their stores run out of phones.

If your local store isn't covered by the guides, you might want to double-check that it will be selling the phone. Only certain AT&T stores will. See AT&T's store directory. Search for "stores," not "kiosks." Or just call your store today, fanboy, and ask.

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