Sunday, July 1, 2007

GetMobio: Twitter, Digg, and more on your mobile phone

By Josh Lowensohn
Mobio has just added a handful of new services to their GetMobio phone app including Digg, Twitter, Kaboodle, and an RSS reader. Users download the small app on their AT&T or Sprint handset and get access to 11 different Web service widgets. It's reminiscent of uLocate's Where widget offerings, although there's no GPS support or monthly charges.

The Digg implementation is a little underfeatured, as there's no way to actually Digg a story from your phone. You can still browse through popular stories on the front page, as well as user's profiles. The company is also working on a way to share stories found on Digg with other GetMobio users without leaving the app. If you're looking for a better mobile Digg solution, there's always Digg River, a lightweight version of Digg that lets you sign in and Digg stories.

The Twitter widget, on the other hand, is as full-featured as the service's official mobile portal. Users can browse Tweets from the public or their friends, as well as write one right in the app, saving some SMS usage in place of data.

Mobio originally launched the GetMobio service at the Demo conference in early January.

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